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Events, Training & Workshops

We offer specialized professional development programs and workshops for professionals and families.

Your one-stop shop for high-quality training and workshops that provide wholistic support. We connect you with skilled, experienced, invested professionals to infuse knowledge and strategies into your home or school community. Maximize learning and wellness today!


Where is Semirosas this month? #SemirosasOnTheMove


Body, Mind & Spirit


To improve the quality of life of students. We collaborate with families and professionals to address students' communication, social, academic, emotional, and physical needs. 

right in your inbox . . . 


Hashtag: #SemirosasOnTheMove

Smart shopping for education resources!
Programs for Daycare Centers & Other Child Care Providers
Programs for Daycare Centers
& Other Child Care Providers
Colorful Brush Strokes Classroom Poster.png
Copy of Colorful Brush Strokes Classroom Poster (2).png
Workshops: Academics, Organization, and Wellness
Workshops: Academics, Organization, and Wellness
Click here to enlarge the brochure below.
Boot camp_Semirosas.PNG

For current clients . . .

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For new clients . . .

Back-to-School Boot Camp & Giveaway for parents & their 2nd-5th graders (In-person)


PARENTS, would you like to avoid last year's mistakes?   :(


Is your elementary school child ready to head back to school?   :(


Join our1-day Back-to-School Boot Camp! Our 4-hour recipe delivered to elementary school kids (and their parents!).


Participants will walk out with:


1) Customizable student planner for daily school assignments

2) Booklet of strategies to help students cope with stress

3) Calm-down bottle (mind jar) . . . I hope you love glitter!

4) Transformational behavior management tools for home and school


. . . and so much more. Topics include:


Emotional Growth: The Antidote to Daily Stress & Frustration
Parent-child duos learn to identify a full range of emotions and practice strategies to cope with them in a healthy way. Children also experience stress and frustration, which they must learn to express in appropriate and acceptable ways. From gaging the intensity of their emotions using a MOODometer to making a calm-down bottle, our parent-child duos will walk out with functional, ready-to-use tools.


Structure and Limits: Preventing and Managing Problem Behavior
Parent-child duos discuss transformational behavior management tools for home and school, as well as individualized, specialized resources for replacing problem behavior with responsible behavior. Learn and practice techniques to establish accountability in your child, create a 'behavior report card' to use in the classroom, gain increased buy-in from your child, etc.


Organization and Time Management: The Missing Ingredient
Parent-child duos identify last school year’s academic struggles and discuss how to avoid them this year. They learn to use our newly published homework checklist and student planner, both of which further support our goal of student independence. Sounds great, doesn't it!


Workshop Date and Location:
August 31, 2019
WeWork, 8 W 126th Street, 3rd Floor, NY, NY 10027​




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The Dare-to-Share Workshop Series (In-person & Online) provides families, educators, speech-language pathologists, academic coaches, and trainers with an in-person and online forum to discuss evidence-based resources and strategies to facilitate students' success academically and beyond.
The Michael Aymar Foundation provides free workshops designed to provide a forum for Middle School students to identify their obstacles and understand how much control they have over their own study environment and habits to become independent learners.
Find out more about their mission at

Workshop topics include:​
Body and Mind Connection
This connection helps you face everyday challenges, lowers stress, increases focus and creativity, and much more.
Angela Y. León
Founder + Owner, Semirosas
Workshop Location and Date:
Montclair, NJ Public Library:
October 1, 2017
West Orange, NJ Public Library:
October 14, 2017
10/1/17 Montclair Public Library
10/1/17 Montclair Public Library
Public Speaking
Angela Y. León
Founder + Owner, Semirosas
Workshop Location and Date:
West Orange, NJ Public Library:
July 22, 2017
October 21, 2017
7/22/17 West Orange Public Library
7/22/17 West Orange Public Library
7/22/17 West Orange Public Library
Building Student Independence:
A Toolkit for Students, Families,
and Professionals
Angela Y. León
Founder + Owner, Semirosas
Workshop Location and Date:
West Orange, NJ Public Library:
July 23, 2016
January 28, 2017
February 4, 2017
November 4, 2017
7/23/16 West Orange Public Library
1/28/17 West Orange Public Library
1/28/17 West Orange Public Library
1/28/17 West Orange Public Library
1/28/17 West Orange Public Library
2/4/17 West Orange Public Library
11/4/17 West Orange Public Library
11/4/17 West Orange Public Library
11/4/17 West Orange Public Library
8/20/16 West Orange Public Library
8/20/16 West Orange Public Library
10/28/17 West Orange Public Library
10/28/17 West Orange Public Library
Learning Styles
Angela Y. León
Founder + Owner, Semirosas
Workshop Location and Date:
West Orange, NJ Public Library:
August 20, 2016
October 28, 2017

Headquarters (By appointment only):
221 River Street, 9th Floor, Hoboken, NJ 07030, US


© 2024 by Semirosas

Privacy Policy   |   Clipart credit: Branch graphic by Flaticon from Freepik



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